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The Faculty Search and Applicant Tracking (FSAT) system improves faculty recruiting efficiency and effectiveness for search committee members and hiring administrators. It allows you to advance faculty job requisitions — from creating and posting openings, to reviewing and evaluating applicants, to selecting and hiring the best candidates, to reporting on compliance with federal hiring requirements — all using a common tool that helps manage the overall process.

The service is managed by Faculty Affairs. University IT delivers operational support, including ensuring compliance with Stanford’s information security requirements and developing integrations with other Stanford systems to improve the tool’s overall capabilities. The system is built on the PageUp platform widely used by universities and businesses for recruiting.


Using the FSAT tool, you can manage records for the faculty hiring process, including CVs, letters of recommendation, work samples, search committee notes, applications, and information needed to ensure federally-required demographic information.

Here are just some of the features available to you using the FSAT tool:

  • Provides a central online repository for job and applicant information that is accessible anytime and allows search committees and key administrators to see a current and common set of materials.
  • Allows for interdisciplinary searches to be coordinated and tracked easily across multiple schools for seamless collaboration.
  • Enables and promotes best practices that enhance equity and diversity during the search and selection process, including search-specific aggregate demographic reports at the applicant pool, long-list (intermediate) and short-list (interview) stages.
  • Simplifies data collection, record keeping, and reporting within one system that eliminates redundant, manual, and error-prone processes.
  • Introduces greater automation for producing required reports, including those needed for the Ad Board at the time of finalist review, for individual schools for end-of-year affirmative action analysis, and to ensure compliance with Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) regulations or audits.
  • Yields lower overall costs for individual schools and the university through a single, central system rather than through multiple school-level and individual department-level systems.

Designed for

Faculty and staff of Stanford University who are administering or conducting faculty recruitment.


Using FSAT requires a full-service SUNet ID and pre-authorization into the system provided by your local school, department, or Faculty Affairs.

Data Security

For Stanford University affiliates, FSAT is approved for Low and Moderate Risk Data only.


FSAT is available for free by Faculty Affairs to faculty and staff working on faculty recruitment.


To use FSAT, you must have your school’s Faculty Affairs Officer or department-level Faculty Affairs administrator give you role-based system authorization. If you need assistance locating that person, ask your department administrator.

Job Search Administrator Resources

For frequently asked questions: FAQs for Administrators

Instructional guides (i.e., Job Aids) for performing common tasks in FSAT are available at FSAT Job Aids.

For guidance on managing the various phases of the faculty search process, please see FSAT Phases.

If you need additional assistance, please contact your school’s Faculty Affairs Officer or department-level Faculty Affairs administrator, or submit a Help request.

See also